BRAUN Windturbinen GmbH

News & Aktuelles

Rotor Blades

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Rotor blades for your DIY installation

The rotor blades have a computer-designed, aerodynamic profile and are manufactured by the hand lay-up method. The mix of glass fibre-carbon fibre laminate guarantees the highest quality standard at a reasonable price. A special tape is fixed to the leading edge to guarantee optimum edge protection.

By using the same moulds for each different diameter, the blades are reproduced identically and thus provide high contour accuracy. The material used is not affected by humidity or temperature so that during operation on your small wind turbine contour stability is guaranteed. By the intelligent design in the interior of the blades, we have achieved high vibration compensation, thus significantly increasing service life especially at windy locations. This also has a positive effect on bending and torsional properties.

Of course each blade is balanced both dynamically and statically and given an identification number with the corresponding documentation. This way complete inspection of rotor blade production is traceable and guaranteed, and so meets BRAUN Windturbinen GmbH’s demands on quality.

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ANTARIS Rotor Blades overview[/vc_column_text][vc_divider show_line=“yes“ space_above=“20″ space_below=“20″][vc_column_text]

Examples rotor blades


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