The BRAUN Windturbinen GmbH professionally competent informed about the topic Small Wind Turbines. In this workshop the basics of small wind turbines were first treated generally. Subsequently, individual subjects were deepened, such as approval processes, construction law, protection of species, siting. In the second Part , after the lunch , the ANTARIS wind turbine of the technical manager of the BRAUN Windturbinen GmbH was presented. Here, the development and working with the new Einspeiseumrichtern explained next to the ANTARIS small wind turbine, this was supported by illustrative videos. The presentation and the discussions were held to the highest professional level. Respect and appreciation to all the participants here , of course, received each a handout.
Unfortunately, not all applications will be considered, since the number of participants is limited. The next workshop will take place in April 2014, the exact date we give yet known. We already take into account your appointment now!