BRAUN Windturbinen GmbH

News & Aktuelles

Two new projects have been completed…

Screenshot-neue-WebsiteDear customers, business partners and wind friends,

we already have complete two new projects during the winter months:

Firstly, the ANTARIS 9.5 kW!
The system operates very successfully for several months in Schleswig-Holstein (Germany) in grid-feed-in mode. The official launch is scheduled for May / June 2014.

Second, our new website!
We are pleased to present our new website of BRAUN wind turbines. The page with a completely new design, but with the usual content. We look forward to get your feedback, suggestions and requests.

And now, enjoy the browsing …

It greets from Nauroth in the Westerwald,
BRAUN wind turbines GmbH

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