BRAUN Windturbinen GmbH

News & Aktuelles

ANTARIS Windturbine working in the Mongolei

The 10 kW Turbine from the ANTARIS Series will work in Summer 2016 near Chöwsgöl in the Mongolei on an 18 m tube pole.
Togehter with SMA and our client we designed that project, wich is already under progress now.
The avereage wind speed is 6.5 m/s at the site, so we designed a special blade for working with such a strong average wind.
The turbine is installed in an hybrid system with 3 x 3 kW PV, and a diesel engine as backup.
In that project 3 houses will be completely supplied with electric energy and warm water.
At present each house has only a diesel engine wich is working over the year.
For a better future, also in remote areas, with ANTARIS Windturbines.

Enjoy the wind with ANTARIS small windturbines!

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