BRAUN Windturbinen GmbH

News & Aktuelles

ANTARIS Windturbine in Marocco

An ANTARIS 10 kW is installed in Marocco on a 24 m height freestanding pole.
The turbine is working 3-phased grid connected with an Smartwind SW10 and is producing the power for the hotel area.
It was an international project wich means as follows:
The client itself comes from Chicago, the installation was done from our installer in Portugal, we are from Germany, the installation is in Marroco.
The average windspeed at the site is arround 6.5 m/s, so the turbine will produce arround 28.000 kWh per year.

If you have more questions concerning that project, please feel free to contact us.

Enjoy the wind with ANTARIS Windturbines!

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