BRAUN Windturbinen GmbH

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ANTARIS treetop wind turbine

Wolfgang Frey, an architect from Freiburg, enters the wind power debate with treetop wind turbines. He installed an ANTARIS 3.5 kW small wind turbine on a Douglas-fir that was 30 metres high as a pilot plant in Freiamt in the district of Emmendingen. A legal loophole in the rules on authorisation makes this possible.

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Die ANTARIS 2.5 in Spitzbergen

Die beiden ANTARIS 2.5 kW versorgen hier die Forschungsstation in Spitzbergen mit Windstrom.…/stationen/awipev-forschungsbasis.html…/antari…/antaris-2-5-kw Der verbaute

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